Fairline Yachts, the first luxury craft brand in the world known for its handmade crafts throughout the world, celebrated its 50th anniversary in Istanbul with an event organized by Karina Yacht Sales. 50th anniversary celebration of the new model also Fairline Yachts Fairline Squadron 53 model was made Turkey the front display.


Fairline Yachts CEO Russell Currie and Karina Yacht Sales managing partners are invited, held in Erseven Sevinçer hosted Murat Soydaşguests, Turkey Launched Fairline Squadron were also found to closely examine the possibility of the 53 models.




Karina Yachting General Manager Murat Kinsman, Fairline Yachts representative of said successfully carry out a while emphasizing the following 23 years: "we established in 1989 as Turkey's first official yacht sales company in the Fairlane with Karina names synonymous much with each other. There are many Fairline users in Turkey. about 200 Fairline boats in 23 years as Karina Until today we brought to Turkey and we have delivered to our customers. We think that there are an estimated 250-300 Fairline populations in our country, which is the second hand. The number of Fairlines is increasing day by day. We are pleased to organize this event for the 10th time we have met with Fairline. Tonight, we are excited to launch the launch of our Squadron 53 model techno and bring it to the likes of sea lovers. "




Fairline Yachts CEO Russell Currie also said that he is happy to be in Turkey, said: "It was close to the boat until today to produce 50 to 13 thousand a year to Fairline brand. We produce luxurious yachts from 33 feet to 80 feet. They are all double-engine, reaching speed close to 32 knots, the cabins are very useful and the maritime is very good. To like the boat from the outside, to love for the craft and to give your favorite technique the performance you want ... We offer this triple combination as Fairline. We can show the Mediterranean as the region where our boats are most used; Italy, Spain, France and Turkey. Fairline and Turkish family culture are very suitable; Work hard and earn a lot of family time to spend with the best product with the best ... there are a lot of beautiful sea and coast in Turkey. I think that Turkish people love boating and because they are in their culture, they have to taste the beautiful seas they can not buy with the people around the world. "


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